03 January 2023

Challenging Myself to Make a Quilted Jacket

 Starting the new year a few days early, I'm finally making a quilted jacket for my son. He asked for one several years ago but I thought he was kidding. After he brought it up again at Thanksgiving, I decided to try. My last attempt at a fitted jacket {about 40 years ago} was an unmitigated disaster. But this won't be terribly fitted. 

There are a number of issues to work out. I've been trolling the internet for pictures and instructions. I made a secret Pinterest page to corral all the ideas. Not just the quilt blocks but also the collars, sleeve, seam treatment, closures. You know. 

A few of the blog posts and videos I've found most helpful include:

  1. Rachel Kincy Clark's Clothing for the Body and Soul
  2. Martha Moore's Buried Diamond blog
  3. Tamarack jacket sew along - 16 videos on YouTube
  4. Muna and Broad Grainger jacket sew along - a series of videos on YouTube, not numbered
I'm posting about my process on my blog. This week, it's just about choosing and fitting the jacket.



Kaja said...

Well now, I thought I knew what I was going to aim for this year, but maybe I want to make a quilted jacket instead!

Ann said...

I recall you made a chore coat some years ago. Could you adapt that pattern? I'm deep into construction.

Janie said...

Very exciting! Nothing like a challenge to wake things up.
Japanese traditional work jackets, padded and hand stitched together with sashiko stitches are also fascinating.

Mystic Quilter said...

It's going to be fun Ann watching your son's jacket come "alive". There can be quite a lot involved with the different methods employed and you seem to have them all organised to work through.