24 February 2020

Maps Quilt Finished!

Another AHIQ challenge quilt done and dusted! This one was part of the Maps prompt. Not much of a map really, but loosely based off an idea that maps and I don't always get along, especially the GPS kind. They tell me to turn right and I always, always turn right AFTER the turn instead of where I'm supposed to, so then I end up going in circles.
Turn Right...
Then that got me to thinking that I'm so much better with directions that include landmarks etc. Which led to thinking about the kind of directions that a local can give and well... this quilt just came to be.
Started as a U&U Interpretation and morphed into
an excellent Maps challenge quilt
It's very simple but hopefully effective in telling its story. You can read more about this quilt and how it came to be on my latest post. So happy to see this one finished up and ready to use. As always, I am very pleased to see one of the AHIQ prompts leading me down yet another creative ally with good results. Will have to think harder about the hourglass prompt and see what crops up....


O'Quilts said...

That is great Audrey..and a nice finish!!

Julierose said...

Love that GPS quote--that is what happens to me only I turn BEFORE --makes me nervous--I like written directions and things like "turn right at yellow hydrant in 1.5 miles"
Your quilt is perfect for how you react mapwise to GPS vocalizations...;))))hugs, Julierose

patty a. said...

The directions to turn at the pink house that burned down cracks me up! The quilt turned out great!

Quiltdivajulie said...

Sometimes simple is all we need -- making things harder is just silly (but we all do it anyway). This quilt is GREAT!!

Kaja said...

I like how you come to the challenge through the quilt, rather than the other way round. It's a wonderful finish.

audrey said...

Thank you everyone! It was definitely not the way that I normally approach challenges, but somehow it worked out just fine regardless. So very happy with this quilt and how it tells its simple story.:)

Mary Marcotte said...

I hadn't thought about it until I read Kaja's comment. I need to try to do this....start with the quilt and find the challenge there.
Sweet finish and I very well understand the going in circles bit!