25 July 2019

Update on my "Red as a Neutral"

I'm not sure that's going to be the title, but right now it's all I have. I'd love suggestions. This is where I was this morning...

  and this is where I am now....

The only thing left to add are the borders. I've decided on a five inch border all around to add more red. 
Yes. More. Red. It's a neutral, you know? Plus the quilt needs to be a little bigger, and I am tired of making these fiddly blocks. So borders it shall be. It's about 48" square. I've cut out some five inch strips, so that will add another eight or nine inches overall--just about right. 


Robin said...

I love this quilt. I don't know why but it reminds me of a tool box and a quote from the movie Holes, "I can fix that." The quilt really turned out nice. Have you decided how you are going to quilt it?

O'Quilts said...

looks like a tool box to me too...lovely...wish I had been able to join in more..

Sharon Leahy said...

I've really been enjoying your explorations of red as a neutral. Red is just plain fun ... thanks!

Kaja said...

I too really like Robin's tool box image - seems perfect for someone with a husband as handy as yours.

Janie said...

Great piecing and arrangement! I like your plan for borders too.

Mary Marcotte said...

I wonder if the toolbox image comes from the fact that it's RED. You know, that shade that is deep and loud, very in your face, like the toolboxes at every hardware store.
Interestingly, the movie is right now recorded on our DVR waiting for us to watch it. I've never seen the movie, but I'm familiar with the book, of course. Thanks Robin, I now have a working title. If only I could work on the borders while this title idea percolates, there could be an "aha" moment! I love "aha" moments, don't you?

Mystic Quilter said...

I do like the mix of blocks here and they really stand out on the rich red.