13 July 2021

String Tulips Quilted, Bound, and Mailed

 Kaja prompt will be challenging for me since I strongly prefer symmetrical bed quilts. But before starting the new one, I wanted to finish the previous prompt. {Could there be a more symmetrical quilt than this?} It's served its purpose as a sample for the QAL. And friends of my son would like a baby quilt. It needed to be quilted... and bound,.. and signed... and washed... and mailed. All those small steps that weigh us down. Done and dusted.

String Tulip baby quilt 3

Since I didn't trim the fabric behind the tulips, it's pretty thick there making it difficult to quilt.  The decision was simply outlining near the major seam lines. The white background is stippled/doodled. Not terribly close together but there's only one start and stop in that section. {I hate burying lots of threads when I can avoid it.}  

String Tulip 3 stipple quilting detail

The ESS blocks are free-hand quilted in a zig zag design that moves easily from one to the other because nothing shows in all this busy-ness. 

String Tulip 3 zig zag quilting detail

The outer border is a free-hand loop. And it's done.

Three purple {approximately} half yard pieces sewn dark to light create a simply back. Not clever but an easy way to use up some leftovers that also adds more color. Because this quilt was so quiet... ;-)

String Tulip 3 quilt back

Thanks for playing along with the String Tulip QAL. 


Janie said...

Congratulations on your finish, signed and mailed too!
It's a happy quilt and will be appreciated, you are so thoughtful.

Marly said...

Congratulations on your finish. I'm sure the baby will be warm and comfortable under it.