23 October 2018

Another month of maps and a lot of unpicking

Sadly the unpicking is in my future.  This project is definitely testing me.  Yesterday I wanted to finish one little area and thought I could do it using bits I had already made.  I kept trying to do that well after the point where I should have taken a step back and reconsidered.
The idea, which still might be a viable one, was to have the darker blue extend up and around that corner.  The reality is so horrid I'm frankly a bit embarrassed, but I am sharing it in the spirit of full disclosure.  Too static, too heavy, just plain lumpy and ugly.  

So I unpicked and tried replacing the left-hand vertical blue with a white strip
which is not a whole lot better.  Next up, I will be taking that entire section off again, jettisoning the longer rectangles, which are, I think too big and probably getting rid of almost all that blue.  We live and learn (though actually this is just a version of a mistake I've made before, so maybe not).


Julierose said...

I have faith in your ability to come to terms with this one...some pieces just take longer for that "ah-haa" moment to hit--right? They need to simmer...
hugs julierose;)))

Lisa J. said...

I do see your issue with the blue and thanks for sharing it as it makes me at least feel less alone. I marvel at your stick to it ness and I know that the result will be beautiful.

Ann said...

I'm the one who thought that dark blue was needed but agree with you. At least where or how it's being used, it's too severe. Thanks for sharing. It illustrates my mistake.

audrey said...

Ooh, I just hate it when I press on when my instincts are screaming at me to take a different direction. It's so irritating to unpick, but always worthwhile compared to an end result that will grate on our nerves.

Robin said...

So sorry this is frustrating. It's supposed to be fun. At least that's what I keep reminding myself of when it feels like a chore.

Janie said...

The design process unfolds.
Very exciting.

Kaja said...

Thanks for the support. :-) I still think the blue belongs in the quilt, but clearly I have to be very careful with it, as it has just a decided presence. All unpicked now and it was definitely the right thing to do.

Ann said...

I'm now wondering if the white insert should have been between some of the darks. Rotate that left-most four patch 180 degrees. Just a suggestion since I can't move it in person. But it seems the darks might want to be more interwoven rather than just hanging around the edge.
You will find the solution and I will be amazed again. Thanks for allowing me to toss ideas in whether they are good or not.