13 July 2022

Response to New Challenge

Last week Ann shared the latest prompt for the Ad Hoc Improv Quilters.  

I came home from my visit with Lynne with a huge stack of scrap slab triangles that I'd made from her leftover blocks and scrap stash - including these forty-seven yellow triangles.

I have a good sized box of yellow bits and pieces to make enough more for a generous lap quilt (same size as Kefi).

So the "yellow" part of the challenge was easy.

But what to use for the side triangles?

Initially I thought about a blend of aquas, light blues, and turquoises along the lines of Poppyseed's Quilt (gifted to one of our nephew's families).

I even thought about using the elephant fabric for backing.

But this mix didn't make my heart sing, so I put the aquas and elephants away and went back to the stash.

During a long telephone call with Lynne we discussed the option of using greens.  The contrast representing sunshine and green grasses is powerful but I wasn't convinced I wanted to make such "dark" side triangles. 

So the greens were returned to the stash.

A while back I mentioned wanting to make a pink and yellow quilt inspired by a photo of Lynne's mom sitting under the Yellow Zebras quilt while reading her new Christmas book about Yellow.  So I pulled out a batch of pinks to see if that might work.

Again, I like the colors together but the intensity still felt too strong for an entire quilt top.

So the pinks were returned to the stash.

Eventually I realized I had been fighting with myself over NOT using my black and white stash.  

For some silly reason I had convinced myself that was the "easy way out."

So I pulled out this box of 10" squares cut a long time ago for a project that went in another direction . . .

. . .  and I found the obvious answer for the side triangles after using the black and white squares for this "mock up."

I then went to the stash and chose these black on whites to use for the side triangles.  

So my project in response to Ann's "Here Comes the Sun" prompt will be a quilt I've named Luciferous.

(adjective meaning "bringing or giving/providing light or insight")


“People often called us perfectionists, but we were not looking for perfection. We were looking for some kind of magic in the music.”
Paul Simon


Julierose said...

Love the final B&W choice for the sides of the yellow triangles!! Lucky you to get those pre-made triangles--they are really neat!!:)))) Lynne is a good friend;))
Hugs, julierose

Janie said...

Wonderful start! Yellow is an amazing color bringing out the best every where it goes.

audrey said...

I absolutely love the Paul Simon quote! How perfect! And your project is already looking amazing. Those black and white prints might feel like the easy way out, but they are making the yellows sing!:)

Quiltdivajulie said...

Thanks all - for the record I stitched the slabs using Lynne's leftovers and then cut the triangles from the slabs while I was in NH. Her Scrap Slab Triangles tutorial (awesome) is in her Etsy Shop (permanent link in my blog's sidebar)

Kaja said...

Thanks for sharing all the options you considered. It was interesting to see how the yellows sat against each of them and I like your final choice a lot.

Ann said...

I loved each option but black and white will be wonderful. How fortunate to have the yellows ready to roll.