Pandemonium is my quilt top for the current challenge.
It was a long and winding road to completion -
you can read more about that journey
in previous posts here on the AHIQ blog
(use the Pandemonium label at the end of the post)
and in the top's reveal post on my blog.
Ultimately the fabric on the left
is what I've chosen to back Pandemonium.
(City View by Michael Miller)
Quilting will not happen until after the first of the year.
I had planned to use the leftover orphan bits
to piece a scrappy back for Pandemonium.
You can read THAT long and winding story HERE.
Instead of a back, those orphan pieces became
a second quilt top named Ukiyo.
(n: living in the moment,
detached from the bothers of life)
I pulled the yardage on the left from my backing stash
but again, FMQ will not happen until next year.
* * *
This symmetry v. asymmetry challenge
has been a very interesting process.
Ukiyo's asymmetry is far more obvious
while Pandemonium's is more subtle.
I wonder what the new prompt will be in January?