30 December 2019

The Flower Challenge Has Been Conquered!

So the last project of 2019 ended up being the #ahiqflowers prompt! I finally brought this one to finished quilt top stage which feels really amazing.
I wrote about this quilt over my blog until your eyes will probably glaze over and/or you'll start snoozing. It was a great challenge by the end, and as always, a wonderful adventure to try and interpret one of the Kiracofe 'Unconventional and Unexpected' quilts all at the same time. These prompts start the process of looking and thinking about specific inspiration. Leading us you might say. But the results are totally unique and up to us. The open-ended perimeters are enormously attractive to me! From these seeds, it's so, so easy to end up on an unexpected journey ourselves. These simple challenges undoubtedly nudge us out of our safe little comfort zone if we want them too. If we let them. And that's a good thing. I could have started any number of quilts just using floral fabric, I love them that much! So glad that I went down this particular path instead. Some quilts just deserve their day in the sun. Thank you Ann & Kaja!


Ann said...

Such a cute flower and a unique way to blend two prompts. Isn't it great when that happens? It makes the result that much more unique. I enjoy seeing how many different ways people envision each one.

Shelina said...

The U&U challenge is a wonderful one and it seems like it would be one that could last a lifetime considering the number of quilts that are in the book. Your quilt is spectacular!

audrey said...

Yes, I think the challenge of interpreting U&U quilts will be ongoing with me for a very long time.:) Just too much fun!